To My Friends

I promise I care.

Kasey Harrington
3 min readSep 29, 2021
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

To my friends,

I’m tired! I’m sorry I can’t give our friendship my all but I’m tired and burnt out.

If we don’t talk regularly, I’m sorry for not reaching out. It’s not that I don’t care, but I am trying to keep my head above water and focus on my day to day. I am struggling to remember to do what I need to do for my own kids, I can’t seem to organize myself. You’re welcome to message me, but I am sure you’re dealing with your life happenings too. I hope everything is okay with you, whatever is happening. When we do speak again, I hope we can sit and enjoy a long chat. I miss you.

If we do talk regularly, thank you for being with me during this time of my life and staying over the years. I need consistency, always have. I like that I can message you and you message back right away. However, I am sorry we can’t get together as much as we would like. It’s hard balancing working full time, spending time with my husband, my kids, and attending the events we committed to. Although it may look like I have time during the week, that time is spent cooking, cleaning, and being with my husband and kids. At times it’s hard to balance all of it. I appreciate our texts, it keeps me feeling I am still wanted by you and that you haven’t given up on me.

To those we are attending events for, thank you for inviting us. We are trying to attend and be present at each and every one of those, but it’s hard to say yes every time. I am sorry to those we have had to say no, but please know we love and care for you. The events add up so quickly and since they’ve been back to back, we are just having a hard time keeping up. I am probably behind or possibly forgot to send a gift but please know you are on my mind and you will get one, eventually.

Days, weeks, and months may pass between our conversations but please know I love each and every single one of you. I ask that you be patient with me during this time of my life. Having two babies has changed me in more ways than one. I used to be more spontaneous with plans but now I have to know in advance. Time and finances are dwindling between life, events, and just the everyday things, but that doesn’t mean I will never have time.

One day, hopefully soon, I can be more available and be the friend you once knew but for now, I am trying my best and I care for you deeply.

Love you all!

Your friend,




Kasey Harrington

Striving to better myself and inspire others along the way