Rethink Your Superpower

Kasey Harrington
3 min readSep 28, 2021

If you could pick anything, what would it be?

Photo by Muhammad Raufan Yusup on Unsplash

There are many superpowers to choose from so how do you settle on one?

The responses are often invisibility, flying, and teleporting. Don’t get me wrong, all of those sound cool but the more I think about it the more I’ve considered wanting more time. Since you can’t create more of it, then what could possibly be a power that could help with that?

I wish I didn’t have to sleep.

Extra hours

Think about the process of preparing to go to bed, the exhaustion, the act of sleeping, and the morning aftermath. So much time is wasted on that one task.

After a long day’s work you’re tired but physically can’t go to sleep because you have too much to do to accomplish before going to bed. If you’re doing a side hustle the night could possibly be your only time to focus, but as you get deep into the work you realize you need to go to bed or else you’ll be too tired for work and activities the next day.

Those hours you would be saving, by not having to sleep, could be filled with things you loved doing, side hustles, and the things you don’t have time to do since you’re tired from work or it’s too early to accomplish before work.

Extra room for activities

Literally an extra room. Why would you need a bed, right? What would you do with that newfound space?

My dream is to have a Beauty and the Beast library! The walls could be covered in shelves with books, old and new. Books to learn from and books just for fun. A fun couch, a cute chair, and items that spark joy everywhere in the room.

Also, I’ve always loved the idea of a craft room as well as painting on canvases. I find it fascinating that people possess such talent. The room could have a corner just for that purpose. An easel, chair, and a long table with all the painting. There would also be cabinetry, organized to a tee with all the crafts.

Schedule would change

Since everyone else would still have to sleep, I would have to schedule all calls, meetings, or hangouts during “normal people” time but other than that I would allow early morning to be my time for coffee (because I truly love coffee and the joy it brings), relaxation, creating and then working out to make my body prepare for the people interaction. I wouldn’t be groggy trying to wake up at 5 AM to work out and do that all before my 8 AM shift, I would be able to take my time. Shoot, I could start this routine at 3 AM and feel great.

Time is precious

It would be such a relief to know I can accomplish the things I want to do without feeling tired or having to sleep.

I have to admit another power I would love to have is not having to use the restroom, it takes away from your activities throughout the day.

So tell me:

What would your random superpower be?



Kasey Harrington

Striving to better myself and inspire others along the way