I Don’t Fear I’ll Fail, I Fear I’ll be Successful

More nonsense we tell ourselves to prevent living our passions.

Kasey Harrington
3 min readAug 23, 2021
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

I read multiple articles of reasons why a writer will not post online due to fear and others judging their work. The article often encourages those writers to just start. I have read many of those posts and have gotten small bursts of motivation but continue my cycle of thinking I will start another day.

However, on the other side (at least if you are a dreamer), do you anticipate “what if I’m successful, will I be able to handle the pressure?” And thoughts of “what if I become the next Tim Denning?” Will that writer be able to continuously put the time and effort into their writing to continue their success? THEN they may think of not being able to handle the volume as a failure so why start in the first place. So many questions and anticipation for something that hasn’t even started.

One day I asked my friend/co-worker what she truly wanted to do in life. We both work in a typical office environment and all the boringness as well as drama that comes along with it. She said she loved cooking and was recently diagnosed with diabetes therefore, she wanted to create healthy recipes for type II diabetics. I told her she needed to pursue this if she is passionate about not only food but helping others. This is what she said to me:

“What if people love my recipes and I become successful?”

-my friend said with a laugh

I love the dreamer in people, particularly my friend. She had the fear of being successful! As in she wouldn’t live up the hype and keep up. I asked her how she would ever know if she didn’t start. We spent our free time that day brainstorming names for her business and content ideas. She was pumped! That night she launched her “business” Instagram and three days later she hit her first goal of 100 followers. She was stoked and I was stoked for her. 100 followers to others may not seem like a lot but when you’re new to content creating those 100 followers are gold and you appreciate every single dang person whether you know them or not for supporting the dream.

When bloggers are writing about fear, I believe, they are more so saying you fear of judgment rather than not being able to keep up with the success. My friend’s question struck my creative bone even harder because that meant she did want this but didn’t know if she could keep up with content and how she would handle the spotlight. My friend may not have the 1 million follower fan base with sponsorships, YET, but she is so happy cooking and posting. She may get there one day but along the way she can post about what she loves doing and share her journey to help others going through a similar journey.

My friend can’t be the only one that has thought that. It made me think back to my experiences even thinking my teacher would absolutely love my essay and use it for examples for other classes, only to get it back with a B-. If you’ve seen The Christmas Story, you know what I mean.

Be the dreamer to think you might be too successful!

Key Takeaways

It takes guts to start, not fear! Start writing and posting! Fear prevents joy, dreaming takes people above and beyond.

Onwards and upwards…always!



Kasey Harrington

Striving to better myself and inspire others along the way