Don’t Let the Opportunity Slip Away

Save now, enjoy later

Kasey Harrington
3 min readOct 8, 2021
Photo by CJ Dayrit on Unsplash

Most days I try to read as many Medium articles as possible because I have the time. I love reading about various topics as well as discovering different writing styles. Reading gets my creative juices flowing and I can find ideas to write about later.


I don’t always have the time to read the full article so I like to save them to read later. In addition, some articles are great to refer back to such as tips for writing great headlines or how-to articles. Then I discovered creating different lists to cater to the different topics you enjoy.

Save articles for later and categorize them!

Once I discovered you can not only save articles, but create lists within your saved area, I’ve become obsessed with saving articles to reference back to or to read later — based on the topic.

Here’s how

At the top of the article and the bottom, there is a flag with a plus sign.

Once you click to save, a window pops down and you can add it to a list or create a list. Below is an example of the flag at the bottom of the article and what it looks like when you click the flag:

I utilize these lists to organize my reasonings as to why I want to save the articles. As you can see I want to save articles about Tips (about writing), making money through writing, and Ideas are for when that article struck an idea that I may want to refer back to. Also, the Reading List is for those I would like to eventually read but didn’t have the chance at the moment I found the article.


As you can see above, I lock my lists but you’re able to unlock them for others to see what you’re saving.


Great articles are written every day and I want to ensure if I find one interesting that I take the time to read, like, and sometimes comment. If I don’t save, the opportunity to read that particular article disappears unless I remember exactly who wrote it or the exact title. Writers deserve recognition for creating and I want to be sure to support them.

Utilize your reading lists! Create as many lists as possible and save them to read later as well as for others to enjoy.

Keep writing, you never know who you will inspire and who needs to save your information for later.



Kasey Harrington

Striving to better myself and inspire others along the way